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July 2005
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   I spend whole month in Moscow. So no overview "In the Hotel" will be in July. Instead of I had opportunity to investigate well Moscow beer market and found a lot of new labels and beers. It seems that this issue will be the biggest since I started my web site.


In brackets is shown beer characteristics.

Sample: (0,5 L; 4,5; 11%) -volume 0,5 liter; 4,5 - alcohol content; 11% - original gravity


Zhigulevskoe, (0,5 L; 4,0; 11%), "Ochakovo" brewery, Russia

This label was changed not so strong. Printing quality and medals colour were changed.


Zhigulevskoe, (0,5 L; 4,2; 11%), "Badaev" brewery, Russia

The goldish frame round the label changed colour to the blue one.


Moskovskoe, (0,5 L; 5,0; 13%), "Badaev" brewery, Russia

"Moskovskoe" label was printed on foiled paper year ago. I have such label in my collection. Now label is on the common paper. Label design and all details absolutely the same. But outlook of the label is very different.




Old Barrel Light, (2,25 L; 5,4; 14%), "Ostankino" brewery, Russia

"Old Barrel" label had changed design long ago. I had no time and possibility to buy the beer. It is really too big to drink it alone.


White Bear from Apiary, (0,5 L; 4,8; 11%), "Moscow-Efes" brewery, Russia

Half a year ago I wrote about this label for 1,5 L PET bottle. Now I meet this beer in glass bottle.


Sokol alkohol-free, (0,5 L; 0,5; 6,7%), "Amstar" brewery, Russia

Falcon's wings (sokol means falcon) became more dense blue colour compare with the old label. It is easy to see with the silvery surroundings.


Sokol Izolda, (0,5 L; 4,7; 11%), "Amstar" brewery, Russia

"Sokol Izolda" it is the very new beer. Nobody knows is it "Izolda" or "Izo Lda" ( "izo lda" means "from the ice" - play on words). Most probably it is old "Sokol ICE" in new package. Moreover alcohol contents and original gravity are absolutely the same.


Boomer, (0,5 L; 4,5; 12%), "Lakinsk" brewery, Russia

"Boomer" label artwork didn't changed in total. Only sign of voluntary certification appeared in the left bottom corner in addition to obligatory certification sign.


Miller Genuine Draft, (0,33 L; 4,4; 11,4%), "Kaluga" brewery, Russia

Once a year I'm buying bottle of Miller in order to check label. And each time label is with some small differencies. Two years ago alcohol contents decreased from 4,7% to 4,4% and remains on the same level up to now. On the right side of the label fonts became bigger compare with the last year. Text on the left side was changed also.


Arsenalnoe traditional, (0,5 L; 5,1; 13%), "Tulskoe Pivo" brewery, Russia

Month ago I informed that "Arsenalnoe" labels shape was changed from oval to rectangle. I showed label of "Arsenalnoe traditional" as example. In June on the label was by three rows of text on both left and right edges. Now as you can see by only two rows.


Arsenalnoe classic, (0,5 L; 4,5; 12%), "Tulskoe Pivo" brewery, Russia

On "Classic" label three rows. It is necessary to mention that this grade may be brewed in six different breweries of "Baltika" group. But all sorts of "Arsenalnoe" I bought with two and three rows were brewed only in "Tulskoe Pivo" brewery. It is easy to recognise by "Y" sign in the bottom right corner near the expire date.


Arsenalnoe strong, (0,5 L; 7,0; 16%), "Tulskoe Pivo" brewery, Russia

"Strong" label has three rows and brewed in Tula also.


Honey Strong, (1,5 L; 7,6; 16%), "Baltika" brewery, Russia

"Baltika" brewery renewed artwork for "Honey" brand for both sorts "Light" and "Strong".


Honey Light, (1,5 L; 4,1; 11%), "Baltika" brewery, Russia


Nevskoe Original, (0,33 L; 5,7; 13%), "Vena" brewery, Russia

I didn't meet "Nevskoe Original" with modern shaped label in small bottles (0,33 L). In my collection I have a few old rectangle shaped labels of "Original" for the same volume.


Afanasy Gold, (0,5 L; 5,0; 12%), "Afanasy-Pivo" brewery, Russia

This is lable of new sort from Tver city. Label are printed on transparent plastic self-adhesive film. I put label on green background to make it more visual.


Tverskoe Light, (0,5 L; 3,6; 10%), "Afanasy-Pivo" brewery, Russia

"Tverskoe" label's background became much lighter. Vertical strips on yellow background thin down and fonts now is less compact.



"Medovushka" bottle

Medovushka, (0,3 L; 4,2), "Golden Hive" brewery, Russia

Nikolas Morozov brought me this bottle from business trip. On the label is written "Special Honey Beer". Ingredients: honey, hop, malt and sugar. In my opinion it is full-blown beer without any doubt."Medovushka" was brewed in village Borovikha in Altay region. Brewery is using such funny bottle to pack beer. They are bottling "Medovushka" in one-litre PET bottles.



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