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February 2005
page 3

In brackets is shown beer characteristics.

Sample: (0,5 L; 4,5; 11%) -volume 0,5 liter; 4,5 - alcohol content; 11% - original gravity


Tsarskoe Selo Med Khmelnoy, (0,33 L; 5,7; 21%), JSC "Khlebnoe", Russia

In the very first time I tasted this drink in Sankt-Petersburg in 2003. I never met it in Moscow since that time. And now I found three new sorts. This label was changed from 2003. I can not name this drink as beer. But in 2003 on the label you can find text "beer". Now it is written "beer special".


Tsarskoe Selo Med Khmelnoy Herbal, (0,33 L; 3,7; 17%), JSC "Khlebnoe", Russia

Why this sort is named as "Herbal" I can not understand fully. On this label as on previous one mentioned in contents medical herbals and aromatisised herbals. The differences is only in assortments of herbs.


Sidor's Goat, (0,33 L; 5,8; 18%), JSC "Khlebnoe", Russia

This beer has no herbs inside. The main ingredients is apple juice what about is easily to understand by looking on label.


Pershin Rye Zbiten 7, (1,0 L; 7,0), JSC "Ejen Beaujolais Vin", Russia

A few new russian traditional sbitens "Pershin". I can not name these drinks as beer. But on the labels mentionet that it is "dark beer".


Pershin Pear Zbiten, (1,0 L; 4,5), JSC "Ejen Beaujolais Vin", Russia


Першин яблочный збитень, (1,0 L; 4,5), JSC "Ejen Beaujolais Vin", Russia


In order to end theme of pseudo-beer drinks I'm showing "medovukha" label from Suzdal - the center of honey drinks brewing. It is do not beer. But compare with above mentioned drinks "medovokha" more close to the beer. I liked "medovukha" after first tasting in Suzdal. later during each visit Suzdal I drunk it with greate pleasure. "Medovukha" is very good after russian wet sauna.


Fischer Tradition, (0,355 L; 6,0, 15,4%), Brasserie Fischer, France

"Fischer" is delivering to Russia now with label with russian text. Porcelaine cap is new one.




Flensburger Dunkel, (0,5 L; 4,8), Flensburger Brauerei Emil Peterson, Germany

This is neck label for gift bottle. The most interesting is the picture on the bottle. Here is also new porcelaine cap.


Schmucker Mдrzen, (0,5 L; 5,5; 13,2%), Privat-Brauerei Schmucker Ober-Mossau KG, Germany

On the back label you can find the text "New beer Schmucker "Mдrzen". I had this label in 2000 and this label is differ with density of background. And why this beer is new?


Allgдuer Цkobier, (0,5 L; 5,2), Privatbrauerei Hцss GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Это уже третья разновидность этикетки в моей коллекции. Вокруг надписи "BIO" появилась белая рамка. Собственно купил я эту бутылку только из-за новой свинг пробки.



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