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April 2004

      In April I traveled a lot. So it was very seldom to spend evening near the fireplace with beer. Below you can see what I drunk in evenings in April.


In brackets is shown beer characteristics.

Sample: (0,5 L; 4,5; 11%) -volume 0,5 liter; 4,5 - alcohol content; 11% - original gravity


Admiral Light, (0,5 L; 4,7; 13%), Ugresh Brewing Company, Russia

This is new microbrewery from Dzerzhinsky city near the Moscow. They are brewing two grades of beer by Teddy Beer technology. I tried only one till now.


Stary Melnik Light (Old Miller Light), (0,5 L; 4,6; 11%), "Moscow-Efes" Brewery, Russia

"Euro to be ready. We are going!" Efes continues preparations for football championship in Portugal. Second variation of label. Under the crown cap is lottery.


Bochkarev Strong Special, (0,5 L; 8,0; 18%), Heineken Brewery, Russia

Bochkarev's labels has changed time to time. These two differ from previous in graphic.


Bochkarev Light, (0,5 L; 4,5; 12%), Heineken Brewery, Russia


Elitnoe, (0,5 L; 5,8; 13%), Yarpivo, Russia

Yarpivo is changing label design very seldom. This is one of "Elitnoe" variation.


Oko Urtrunk, (0,5 L; 4,7), Rother Braeu, Germany

Moscow supermarkets offer a lot of import beer. I'm pampering myself with something delicious time to time.


Hen's Tooth, (0,5 L; 6,5), Morland and Co. PLC, Great Britain

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