exchange meeting in Luxembourg |
Traditionally alternate years in Luxembourg there were
held the largest European beer exchange meeting. Organizers of this popular meeting
among collectors which will usually happened on the basis of some brewery,
was famous European clubs - SvBL (Luxembourg), FvB
and Klub
This year the exchange meeting was on September, 28 in small town Bascharage
territory of brewery Bofferding. I has visited on this meeting and about what I want to
tell. I reached there difficultly enough. On the eve of the meeting I has
arrived to Frankfurt, and therefrom with change in Koblenz up to capital of
Luxembourg went by train. However I at all about it have not regretted as the
road passes in very picturesque mountain places along the rivers Rhein and
Mosel. From capital of Luxembourg, having bought in station buffet of beer
(strangely it was Portuguese beer - another I didn’t found), by local train I
have gone in Bascharage where was in 20 minutes. Despite of
early evening, I has arrived about 7
p.m., and a Saturday, on the way from station up to the centre of the town
(about two kilometers) I has not met any person. Even cars was a seldom. But
passing a brewery I have found out number of collectors which already have
begun an active exchange on a parking. There were it basically collectors of beer
cans and coasters. Thus it is necessary to note, that officially the stock
exchange should begin only on the next day. |
According to initial plan in the evening on the eve of the
meeting to collectors was offered to meet in new microbrewery Beierhaascht.
But, unfortunately, at owners microbrewery something there was wrong, and
they wasn’t able to open brewery. Therefore a welcome party have transferred
to a pub of hotel Gulliver where the majority of collectors had
accomodation. Having lodged in other hotel, I have gone in Gulliver
loaf about and communicate. Here again, it is direct on sidewalk, cans
collectors have spread out the exchange stock, having occupied practically
all territory in front of hotel. Coasters collectors did not lag behind them.
They bore and bore multiple boxes with coasters from autos. At this time in
the pub beer flew like water. Apparently, the majority of the going
collectors were familiar for a long time. However, nothing prevented them to
get acquainted with new persons. By my impression the majority gathered was
from the nearest to the Luxembourgs countries: Belgium, France, Germany and
Holland. Having a drink beer, collectors shared the latest news and were
praised by last purchases in a collection, and some even managed to exchange
labels. By 9 p.m. appeared, that cold beer was finished. But nobody was
afflicted and a sit-round gathering proceeded till the late evening. |
On the next day at 7.30 a.m. I have gone to the court of
Bofferding brewery. In the official invitation the start of an meeting was
appointed on 9 a.m., but to my occurrence the brewery court were raged
already. As it was then found out borrowing
tables have started from 6 a.m.. All convenient places were occupied already,
but I quickly enough have found a free table in a distant corner under one of
awning and have spread out the exchange stock. However lets go under the
order. As I already mentioned, the stock exchange had held in a court yard of
brewery Bofferding. At an entrance stood pavilion where was a
registration and distribution of souvenirs. Here it was possible to grade
about participation in the membership card. The set of 9 labels and 6 coaters
with Luxembourg outlooks and meeting logo on the back was
given out as souvenirs. On the rack of registration desk it was possible to get
crown caps and the same coasters, but without logo on the back. |
Beside the tent where were on sale beer Bofferding
euro for a small glass and easy snack settled down. On it, short of a
free-of-charge toilet in a court yard, participation of the brewery came to
an end. On the site of a brewery court yard limited to a fence from boxes
with empty bottles, three awnings with tables under them, and also lines of
tables directly open-air were established. Each collector was authorized to
occupy on one meter of a table, but some of them, it is especial collectors
of glasses, borrowed much more places. Despite of it, anybody without a place
has not remained. All the matter is that on meeting one thousand person was
expected. According to organizers information only about 600 collectors has
arrived. Basically from the central Europe. There were some collectors from
Poland and Lithuanian colleagues led by Valentinas Ukolovas. They have
arrived by cars. |
the Club from Brno also was declared as the organizer of a meeting, I have
not met the Czech friends. There were also collectors from America and even
from Brazil. Collectors Clubs had booths where it was possible to get
acquainted with activity of club, to by information and promotional
materials, badges, openers and other subjects of a collecting. It is
necessary to note the stand of French club Gambrinus on
which the smart collection of models of lorries with breweries trade marks
was submitted. It was very interesting to examine an exchange material of
beer jars collectors. They have arrived on the meeting by motor vans or motor homes entirely
jam-packed with cans. These friends did not use tables or any place in the
court yard and disposed directly on sidewalk along road nearby to a brewery.
Their show-benches were 10 meters length and even more. |
I would name this meeting as "coaster paradise”. I
never saw earlier so many coaster collectors and coasters at one moment.
Coasters exposed in huge boxes. Collectors changed and sold by bunches of
coasters. I saw how one guy bought a box with coaters even without examine
contents. Caps collectors was not less amount. As it seemed to me, Dutchs and
Germans prevailed among caps collectors. The last preferred purchase caps to
an exchange. It is necessary to mention, that sale of goods here is considered
as normal phenomenon. Also can be, sale here was even more, than changed.
There were people which have arrived with an empty bags as in shop to buy
something. It was exposed a lot of glasses mainly for sale. |
К моему
появлению обмен уже был в разгаре. Я, как коллекционер этикеток, привез с
собой в первую очередь этикетки из России, Украины, Белоруссии и немного
экзотики. Прихватил я собой также пробки и подставки. К моему удивлению
этикетками из стран СНГ практически никто не интересовался. Впрочем,
коллекционеров этикеток было не так уж и много. Я пробовал сначала постоять у
своего стола – никто этикетки не спрашивает. Затем бродил между столами и
предлагал меняться. Упоминание этикеток из России вызывало скорее недоумение,
чем интерес. Как я понял, большинство из приехавших этикеточников собирает
какую-либо одну страну или группу стран, но очень тщательно и подробно.
Наибольший интерес представляют этикетки, выпущенные 50 и более лет назад.
Наблюдал я такую сцену, как один коллекционер |
из Германии просматривал обменный
фонд коллеги из Литвы в течении получаса и в конце концов отобрал
одну-единственную старую немецкую этикетку. Поменять российские этикетки на
этикетки впрямую мне удалось лишь с коллекционерами из Польши и Литвы. Стоило
ехать так далеко? Поменять же экзотические этикетки на равноценные мне не
составило особого труда. |
С самого начала
мне было предложено продать пробки, что я с не очень большой охотой сделал.
Затем стали поступать предложения продать и российские подставки. Постепенно
я втянулся в это дело и торговал очень бойко. На вырученные же деньги я
накупил этикеток. Многие коллекционеры заранее подготовили наборы этикеток
своих стран и охотно их продавали. Такие же наборы предлагались и на стендах
клубов. Удалось мне также поменять пробки на этикетки у немецкого
коллекционера. Этикетки находились у него в полном беспорядке, но мне удалось
найти у него пару сотен интересных этикеток. И под конец, чтобы не везти
пробки обратно, я поменял оставшиеся на хороший набор литовских новинок. До полудня
активность коллекционеров не спадала. Было шумно и в общем-то весело.
Обстановка |
на бирже царила очень дружественная.
Люди менялись, общались и обменивались адресами и |
сувенирами, не забывая при этом, пить пиво. Пили Bofferding и угощали друг друга
привезенным с собой пивом. В программе биржи было объявлено о торжественном
открытии церемонии, продаже лотерейных билетов и вручении особого подарка
коллекционеру, проделавшему самый долгий путь до Люксембурга. Ничего я этого
так и не увидел. Может быть не было, а может быть увлекшись процессом и не
заметил. После полудня народ подустал и уже больше времени уделял пиву и
разговорам, чем предмету увлечения, и к двум часам дня многие стали
собираться. По плану биржа должна была продолжаться до 16 часов. Но в начале
четвертого организаторы стали складывать столы и скамейки, недвусмысленно
намекая, что пора и честь знать. К этому времени я уже собрался и, немного
пообщавшись с друзьями,
отправился в гостиницу. |
Погуляв немного по городку, на обратном пути зашел в супермаркет и набрал пива люксембургских пивоварен. Остаток дня я провел за дегустацией пива и рассматриванием дневного «улова». На следующий
день, осмотрев достопримечательности столицы Люксембурга, я отправился в
Мюнхен на осенний фестиваль пива Октоберфест. Но это уже другая история. |