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August 2004
  My August routes were common - Samara, Kazan, Tver - and I waited nothing new from these trips. However I found a few new specimens to my collection. My business trip to Kazakhstan was very short but suplemented my collection significantly. I had not so many time to look for beer. I walked around Almaty very short and visited only a few shops. I found a lot of new beers. Below you can see what I tasted. I met in shops a lot of another sorts of beer. Lack of time and health didn't let me to try everything I saw.

In brackets is shown beer characteristics.

Sample: (0,5 L; 4,5; 11%) -volume 0,5 liter; 4,5 - alcohol content; 11% - original gravity


1874, (0,5 L; 5,5; 13%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

1874 is new sort which reminds about brewery foundation date.


130, (0,5 L; 5,0; 12%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

It is new grade also dedicated to 130-th anniversary of brewery foundation.


Zhigulevskoe, (0,5 L; 4,0; 11%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

Brewery goes on to brew traditional "Zhigulevskoe" without any significant changes in label design. Bottles of all grades except 1874 and 130 are corked with crown caps with "Alatau Crown" logo. It seems that "Alatau Crown" beer do not brewing now.


Zhigulevskoe Special, (0,5 L; 4,0; 11%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

This is very new label of "Zhigulevskoe". On the labele is shown old collarette type label and is printed "Smile inducing recollection".

040225 fragment
This is fragment of the previous label with old label. It is funny. Beer collector's jargon names collarette type labels as "cucumber", "banana" or "smile".

Kazakhstanskoe Jubileum, (0,5 L; 5,0; 12%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

Series of "Kazakhstanskoe" beer labels with fresh design.

Kazakhstanskoe Dark, (0,5 L; 5,8; 16%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstanskoe Golden, (0,5 L; 4,2; 11,3%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan
Kazakhstanskoe Velvet, (0,5 L; 4,5; 13%), Almaty Brewery #1, Kazakhstan

Alma-Ata, (0,5 L; 4,5; 11%), "Ak-Nar" Brewery, Kazakhstan

"Ak-Nar" brewery does not change artwork of labels. Alcohol content and original gravity were decreased in "Alma-Ata" beer.


Derbes, (0,5 L; 5,2; 12,5%), "Ak-Nar" Brewery, Kazakhstan

Derbes beer, by my opinion, the best I tasted in Almaty. There are only small changes in label from previous year.


South Capital Light, (0,5 L; 4,5; 12%), "Susyndar" Brewery, Kazakhstan

"South Capital" beer label is printing on foiled paper now.


Irbis Golden, (0,5 L; 5,5; 13,5%), "Irbis" Brewery, Kazakhstan

Irbis didn't change general label desing for a long period. On this label is different medals position compare with previous one.


Tyan-Shan Light, (0,5 L; 4,2; 11%), "Dinal" Brewery, Kazakhstan

On "Tyan-Shan" labels appeared number "5" on the top. It means that brewery was founded 5 years ago.

Tyan-Shan Classic, (0,5 L; 4,8; 12%), "Dinal" Brewery, Kazakhstan

Karagandinskoe Light, (0,5 L; 4,4; 11%), "Efes-Karaganda" Brewery, Kazakhstan

"Karagandinskoe" beer labels were changed very little. "Karagandinskoe Light" is breweing on Almaty branch of "Efes-Karaganda" brewery in Bereke city. All other sorts are brewing on the main plant in Karaganda.

Karagandinskoe Strong, (0,5 L; 6,5; 15%), "Efes-Karaganda" Brewery, Kazakhstan
Karagandinskoe Dark, (0,5 L; 6,5; 15%), "Efes-Karaganda" Brewery, Kazakhstan

Pavlodarskoe Dark, (0,5 L; 5,7; 14%), Pavlodar Brewery, Kazakhstan

"Pavlodarskoe Dark" and "Original" beer labels has very small differences compare with previous year.

Pavlodarskoe Original, (0,5 L; 4,1; 11,4%), Pavlodar Brewery, Kazakhstan

Pavlodarskoe Elite, (0,5 L; 5,5; 12,5%), Pavlodar Brewery, Kazakhstan

"Elite" and "Classic" labels are absolutely the same as in the past.

Pavlodarskoe Classic, (0,5 L; 4,0; 11%), Pavlodar Brewery, Kazakhstan

Nurzhanar, (0,5 L; 4,6; 11,5%), Ural Brewery, Kazakhstan

Ural Brewery changed label shape. Alcohol content decreased dramatically. It was very hard to wash away label from the bottle - it disintegrated even in cold water.


Zhigulevskoe, (0,5 L; 4,0; 11%), "Zhigulevskoe pivo" Brewery, Russia

This beer from Samara. I was very suprised whe realized that leafs shape under the medals are different.


Volzhanin, (0,5 L; 4,3; 11%), Sun Interbrew, Russia

Text in the bottom part of "Volzhanin" label was changed.


Czech Standard Velvet, (0,5 L; 3,8; 12%), "Krasny Vostok" Brewery, Russia

In July review I told that Czech Standard beer labels were changed. When I was in Kazan I decided to check the last sort "Velvet". I found with surprise that have no "Czech Standard Velvet" in collection.


Krasny Vostok Light, (0,6 L; 4,7; 11%), "Krasny Vostok" Brewery, Russia

Labels for "Krasny Vostok" in 0,6 litres PET bottles were changed. There are no more text "20% free of charge"

Krasny Vostok Classic, (0,6 L; 5,0; 12%), "Krasny Vostok" Brewery, Russia
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Last updated 01.09.04
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